
Hardware Engineer Tech Solutions Provider  - TeamUP Staffing

Written by Cassandra Brooks | Mar 2, 2022 5:16:55 PM

Building A Tech Product Empire

Have you ever found yourself sitting on the brink of an amazing project then realized you don’t have the right talent in-house to pull this off? You know it’s innovative and full of possibilities, and you even know the impact it will have on the financial growth of your company. What you don’t know is how to get the best team pulled together to start the execution of the project.  

There are many diverse types of skillsets you need on your team, ranging from Project Management to UI/UX, all the way to your Engineers. You might even have a few of those positions in-house ready to take on the workload but what you really need is someone who will tackle most of the research, design, development, and testing. This is where TeamUP Staffing can be your number one tech solutions provider. 

TeamUP Staffing has helped many companies, like you, launch incredible innovative products by providing quality Hardware Engineer Tech contractors. We have long-term partnerships with top talent that help bring your design planning to life. By having these partnerships, we have provided solutions to deliver quicker results and improve the speed to market. Depending on where you need TeamUP Staffing to jump in, we can help from the conceptualization stage to delivering the customized solution nicely packaged.  

On its own, the hardware development process has many obstacles that require an expert to navigate to successfully launch a product. According to the EE Times, you cannot just say “we want reliability” when you are talking to a tech staffing firm because reliability is an overly broad term in the electronics world. If you do not have an expert in-house to handle this, you will run into some bumps in the road. That is where we can jump in to help navigate the terminology between you and the tech talent. An expert Hardware Engineer Tech knows the ins and outs of the project, especially when it comes to how to reduce design iterations and time to market while increasing reliability.  

The job market for computer hardware engineers in the United States are expected to grow by 5.4% between 2016 & 2026, where the highest needs are in California, Maryland, & Colorado. However, with the new work from home environment, hiring a Hardware Engineer as a remote contractor is the new norm. Finding Tech Talent was difficult to begin with, but now the market is in high demand to search for the top candidates.  


A Hardware Engineer Tech Solutions Provider 

IT & Tech Staffing has hit an all-time high after 2020, with Hardware Engineering on the rise. According to Staffing Industry Analyst, over 40% of the workforce had to fill IT-related roles, which Hardware Engineers came up as one of the leading positions that were sought after. With this demand within multiple industries, companies were shifting quickly in their growth plan to hire those positions fast. However, it is not easy to find top talent that can come in quickly and complete the projects in a timely manner. This is where a dedicated Hardware Engineering Tech Solutions provider comes into play. 

Tech staffing has traditionally relied on humans to source, assess, and place candidates in the right roles. However, due to the high demand for these professionals, there was an opportunity to automate and digitalize Tech recruitment. Hiring a solutions provider, like TeamUP Staffing, can take the guesswork out of the situation. TeamUP Staffing finds and vets the tech talent such as Hardware Engineers, to discuss their experiences and negotiate their contract rates. This helps the organization focus on their company and the project, eliminating any extra stress that may come their way during the interview and hiring process for a new employee. For the tech staffing industry, a minimum of 5 years’ experience as a Hardware Engineer is required. That means as an organization, you are getting the best of the best.  

A Tech Staffing company also takes a lot of the liability and responsibility off the organization’s plate. This includes the financial work of paying the contractor, communication, benefits, paid time off, continued education, and so much more. However, the most beneficial reason to using a tech solutions provider is the ease of being able to work with one single partner for your entire technology journey. For every innovation and tech need you have, you can work with one company to bring all the tech talent. Hardware Engineers are in high demand and having a tech staffing company that you trust is extremely crucial to the speed of your project.  

TeamUP Staffing makes on-demand talent sourcing simple by providing skilled tech professionals to meet your Tech and IT Staffing needs. We focus on helping you achieve your goals to ignite change and accelerate transformation. LevelUP your tech needs with TeamUP Staffing.